Oh You Wicked Girl! I'm Melting!

said Antarctica, as widely reported in the press.

Or maybe not says William Connolly of the many names.
First of all, this is only 3 years of data; to make any sense of it, you have to assume that this is representative of the long term trend.
Another point (see last IPCC link) is that its quite hard to match the *observed* sea level change to the various components; switching Ant from -ve to +ve would help resolve this.

How does this affect predictions that Antarctica will become a net relative sink in the future, due to extra precipitation outweighting increases in melt? Not at all, I should say.
OK, I'll scratch that off my worry list for a couple of years.

William goes on to discuss some of the complications and uncertainties of the measurement method.

Now about the acidification of the ocean?


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