Passing Gas

The President and the Congress are both passing gas on the theme of "obscene" oil company profits. Investigations of oil companies are being launched. Now there are no doubt many entirely legitimate reasons to investigate Exxon Mobil & friends, but making big profits is not one of them.

Fortunately, we may be confident that almost all concerned are deeply insincere in their efforts. They probably have neither the desire, intent, nor ability to do anything about high gas prices.

The system is supposed to work like this: scarcity -> high prices -> conservation + investment in exploration & alternatives -> lower prices and so on.

Now if they wanted to investigate big oil for corrupting government and spreading lies about climate, I would be right on board.

WHOA! NEVERMIND! Of course this is just the classic Jack Abramoff - Tom Delay shakedown in action - investigate oil -> worried oil execs -> big protection payoffs to our elected reps. Stupid me.


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