Victory for Torture

McCain, Warner, and what's his name staged a short-lived resistance to President Bush's attempt to institutionalize torture in America and make us the only country officially legalizing violation of the convention against war crimes. They crumpled like empty beer cans under a garbage truck (See, for exampleWP - Editorial or WP - A Soviet torture victim's perspective or NYT) when Cheney showed them the instruments of torture, though. McCain survived five years of Communist torment in Vietnam, but greed for power made him a coward after one week.

I hope, but have little confidence, that some Democrats will try to save our country from further disgrace and dishonor.

Nothing is more disgusting to me than the way these corrupt charlatans have frightened the American people into turning their backs on the law, the Constitution, and the basic principles of human decency. The only plus I can see is that this sorry episode gives me a bit of insight into how one of the most civilized countries in Europe became a nation of monstrosities.

The US started the Bush regime with the world's most powerful military, its strongest economy, and something even more valuable - the respect that comes from holding the moral high-ground. Now our military has exhausted troops and broken down equipment and the economy is a shaky mess tottering on a mountain of debt, but those are pretty small losses compared to being ashamed of our country's leaders and direction.


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