Poisonflower Bush

The GW is a Bush that bears no fruit, but produces a profusion of poisonous flowers. The best known one right now is the Iraq War, but some less famous ones may trouble us even longer. The enormous current account deficit will continue to hang over our heads, and our children's heads. The loss of respect for the US in the world is incalculable. The systematic flouting of the law by this administration will either pose a long run threat to our own liberties or result in a congressional reaction that could cripple the presidency. Al Quaeda has been permitted to rebuild in Afghanistan. North Korea has been permitted to resume its nuclear program. 9/11. New Orleans.

Humans became the smartest animals because being stupid tends to be drastically punished in the real world. I suspect that we will pay for the stupidity of electing this stupidest president for a long time.


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