It will come as no surprise to regular readers that I like to argue - I believe that Socratic dialog is the best route to enlightenment. Brad DeLong links to Paul Graham's handy dandy guide to internet (or other) argumentation.

The Lowerarchy:

DH0. Name-calling....
DH1. Ad Hominem....
DH2. Responding to Tone....
DH3. Contradiction....
DH4. Counterargument....
DH5. Refutation....
DH6. Refuting the Central Point....

Sadly enough, many, including our occasional critic LM and most of the wingnut blahgosphere, are unable to get beyond DH0 with occasional excursions to DH1. Boring and useless.

It's a puzzle to me how a seemingly intelligent person can be so obtuse about the uses of rhetoric.


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