The Real McCain

Don't miss Tim Dickinson's hard look at the man behind the myth in Make-Believe Maverick
A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty
in The Rolling Stone. Dickinson depicts a reckless and dishonest son of privilege whose main talent is for self-promotion - a man whose career in many ways parallels that of George W Bush. Like Bush, McCain was a serial screwup whose family connections repeatedly rescued him from his own reckless blunders.

The most devastating parts of the story come from fellow Naval officers, including one from a fellow POW who, unlike McCain, never broke under Vietnamese torture and signed confessions of war crimes. In these stories McCain, before and after Vietnam, is more interested in chasing tail than serving his country.

This story is counterweight to the ritual panegyrics to the "hero" in the mainstream media, but also a revealing portrait of the warts on the man who would be king. Is it even-handed? Hardly. Is it fair? I don't know, but given the garbage he has been spewing, it is deserved.


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