Button, Button

Movie Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Three hours long, but it seemed much longer. Perhaps it was an effect of the Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett's incompatible arrows of time, but more likely it was just because this is an excruciatingly bad movie. Boring, plotless, incoherent, illogical, maudlin and slow-ow-ow. Four hundred funerals and an endless voice over mainly by Pitt.

Some of the scenery was OK, and the makeup guy really does deserve an Oscar, but I can't imagine why this interminable piece of pretentious crap got 13 Academy Award nominations. I surely hope it doesn't win any - except for makeup, that is.

By the thirty minute mark I was willing to pay another $8 for the damn thing to end.

Supposedly this was based on a short story by F Scott Fitzgerald. Perhaps it could even have been an amusing short subject. But a three hour movie with a ten minute plot and no interesting character development - ugh.

Did I mention that I didn't care for the movie? Come to think of it, screw the makeup guy - nobody should have to watch this. Not quite sure what inane plotting resulted in Hurricane Katrina coming in to destroy New Orleans at the end, but by that time I was definitely cheering for Kat.


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